Emerging Innovator - Innovators Index for Europe

Innovators includes two indicators measuring the share of SMEs that have introduced innovations on the market or within their organisations, covering both product and business process innovators.

o SMEs with product innovations (% share)
o SMEs with business process innovations (% share)


Calculating the Innovators Index

Overview of positive and negative outliersPositive / Negative outlier
3.1.1 SMEs introducing product innovationsEE: 2018, 2019; EL: 2020; CY: 2018, 2019; RO 2013-2017
3.1.2 SMEs introducing business process innovationsBE: 2020; E: 2020; CY: 2019-2020; RO: 2013-2020
3.1.3 SMEs innovating in-house
(years shown refer to year of CIS survey)
not classified
Innovation dimension / IndicatorSkewness Skewness after trans-formation
3.1.1 SMEs introducing product innovations-0.179 
3.1.2 SMEs introducing business process innovations-0.289 
3.1.3 SMEs innovating in-housenot classified