Emerging Innovator - Use of Information Technologies Index for Europe

Use of information technologies captures the use of information technologies including two indicators: Enterprises actively increasing the ICT skills of their personnel and Employed ICT specialists.

Use of information technologies
o Enterprises providing training to develop or upgrade ICT skills of their personnel (% share)
o Employed ICT specialists (% of total employment)


Calculating the Use of Information Technologies Index

Overview of positive and negative outliersPositive / Negative outlier
Use of information technologies 
2.3.1 Enterprises providing training to develop or upgrade ICT skills of their personnelFI: 2013, 2014; IS: 2013-2019; RO: 2017
2.3.2 ICT specialistsSE: 2014-2021; IL: 2021; TR: 2014-2021
Innovation dimension / IndicatorSkewness Skewness after trans-formation
Use of information technologies  
2.3.1 Enterprises providing training to develop or upgrade ICT skills of their personnel0.103 
2.3.2 ICT specialists0.330