Adverse Effects of Vaccines – “Children’s Health at 360” EN



We present the so-called registered in VAERS adverse effects of vaccines.

"Children's Health at 360"
Data description

Reports of adverse events are registered in the system, e.g. VAERS. We publish side effects that occur after vaccination and only those that have been reported.
Vaccine suppliers are encouraged to report any clinically significant medical condition in the vaccinated individual, even when the vaccine may not have been the sole cause of the adverse reaction. Reporting of adverse reactions, however, is mandatory in the process of functioning of the Health Service.
The strengths of VAERS are that it can often detect a symptom sooner or observe an early clue or at least a warning of a significant safety issue with the vaccine.

The available data are presented in English – the language of the application.

Dashboard A360 technical information

1. We recommend using Dashboard in full screen view.
2. Filters allow you to narrow your search criteria".
3. Filters allow multiple selections.
4. Filters can be checked and unchecked as needed.
5. Additional information may appear on the displayed graphs after hovering the cursor over the data.
6. On the displayed graphs and data, by selecting information, you can also narrow down the display criteria for a given selection.
7. After selecting a given item on the chart, returning to the previous view is possible after selecting it again.
8. If there are too many choices and it is not possible to orient yourself in the chain of selected information, you can always press the "Reset Filters" button.
8. The "Reset Filters" button restores filters and selections to their original settings.

Analyzes in the section on Children's Health were prepared free of charge by A360 Experts for parents.

Effectiveness of A360 Visualization and Message
Additional information

VAERS is part of the CDC and FDA’s multifaceted approach to safety monitoring after vaccines are licensed or approved for use. There are many complementary systems that the CDC and FDA use to capture and validate data from various sources. VAERS is designed to quickly detect unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse events, also referred to as “safety signals”. If a possible safety signal is found in VAERS, further analysis is performed with other safety systems such as the CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) program and Clinical Immunization Safety Assessment (CISA) or the FDA’s BEST (Biologics Effectiveness and Safety) system. These systems are less affected by the limitations of spontaneous and voluntary reporting in VAERS and can better assess possible associations between vaccination and adverse events.


VAERS reports may contain information that is incomplete, inaccurate, or scientifically verified. Reports to VAERS may also be biased, e.g. based on the physician’s belief. As a result, there are limits to how data can be used for scientific purposes. VAERS reporting data should always be interpreted with these limitations in mind.

The dashboard was made by A360 Experts and the data was aggregated with the utmost care. The A360 Group is not responsible for the data provided by global, European and national institutions. The data is for illustrative purposes only.

Key considerations and limitations of VAERS data:

The available data cannot be interpreted merely as evidence of a causal relationship between a vaccine and an adverse event, or as evidence of the existence, severity, frequency, or prevalence of vaccine-related problems.
Reports may contain incomplete, inaccurate, accidental and unverified information.
VAERS does not obtain audit records on every report. If the report is classified as serious, VAERS requests additional information, such as health records, to further evaluate the report.
VAERS data is limited to reporting vaccine adverse events received between 1990 and the last date for which data are available.
The VAERS data do not represent all known vaccine safety information and should be interpreted in the context of other scientific information.


The dashboard was made by A360 Experts to use its resources free of charge.

The dashboard was created as part of the implementation of the long-term bottom-up A360 program called “Children’s Health at 360”, in the volunteer mode of cooperating analysts and IT specialists.